R. Roger Rowe School

Project Scope

School Reconstruction
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Rancho Santa Fe School District

This school is located in the heart of Rancho Santa Fe, home of Lillian Rice, a renowned architect. We worked closely with the RSF Review Board in RSF to build a beautiful new school in the traditional Mission Revival style typical of Rancho Santa Fe. The school is a K-8 school, as well as the District Administration, and is situated on a very small 7.5 gross acreage, with an entry elevation to field elevation change of over 40-feet. Many design charrettes, engaging with the community, staff and students, made this school a resounding success.

The District boasts one of the top elementary and middle school science programs in the county.  In conjuncture with the RSF science teachers, the Design Team visited many collegiate-level science classrooms to help with Team distill the goals for the Rowe School science classrooms into their own vision.  The science classrooms feature interactive white boards, wifi, tablet charging stations, and document cameras, as well as the capability to complete a high school-level science curriculum.

It became evident during programming that the community was in need of a performance building.  The District became the leader in creating both a performance theater for the community, and a multi-purpose space for the school students.  The envisioned retractable seating allows the space to accommodate 300 comfortably-seated persons, as well as over 400 students seated on just the flat floor.  The theater has a fly loft, 16 movable line sets, and a state-of-the-art dimming and sound system.

Architecture comes to life in the details.  Given the extensive community involvement in this project, we were key partners in developing permanent fundraising displays to showcase the District’s appreciation.  Additionally, to balance the contracted site space, calming details were installed throughout the area.  Features such as fountains give spaces a more appealing feel and functionally serve to separate the middle school from the the elementary school, both visually, as well as audibly.

project cost


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